Baby Hazel got slipped while climbing up the table. Oh no! She is crying in pain as her hand is fractured. Go along with her to doctor for the medical treatment. Baby Hazel cannot move her plastered hand and is unable to perform her routine activities. Can you fulfill her needs and help her in performing routing activities? Take a good care of Baby Hazel and give affectionate treatment to her.
Baby Hazel climbed the table to get her crayon colors. Oh! She slipped and fell down hurting her hand badly. Can you take her to the doctor to get an immediate medical attention? Hope her hand is not fractured!!
Doctor took an xray of Baby Hazel's hand and confirmed for an elbow fracture. Hazel's hand is paining badly and she is not allowing doctor to do plaster on her hand. Convince Baby Hazel to get her hand plastered and take medicines.
Plaster is done but our darling Baby Hazel is unable to move her hand. Fulfill her basic needs such as bathing and feeding. Give her medicines on time and help her to follow instructions given by doctor for speedy recovery.
After three weeks, Baby Hazel visits the doctor for recheck up. Keep Hazel happy by fulfilling her needs while doctor is attending her. Hope her fracture has completely healed!
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